1.When should I see an audiologist? 

A. You should consult an audiologist if you experience hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), dizziness, or any other concerns related to your auditory system. 

2. Do I need a referral to see an audiologist? 

A. No referral is needed. You can schedule an appointment directly with Andy for a hearing assessment or any related concerns. This is done by online booking or if preferred, a phone call.

3. What services do audiologists provide? 

A. Audiologists offer a range of services, including hearing evaluations, hearing aid fittings and ear wax removal.

4. How long does a typical hearing assessment take? 

A. A hearing assessment typically takes around 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the complexity of the evaluation and the individual's needs. 

5. Can audiologists help with tinnitus (ringing in the ears)? 

A. Yes, audiologists can assess and provide management strategies for tinnitus. We may recommend hearing aids, sound therapy, or ear wax removal to help alleviate the symptoms. 

6.Why do I need ear wax removal? 

A. Ear wax can build up and cause hearing problems, discomfort, tinnitus, dizziness, or earaches. Removal helps maintain healthy ear function. 

7.Is ear wax removal painful? 

A. Ear wax removal is usually painless. Our procedures are gentle and performed by a trained professional to ensure your comfort and safety. 

8. Can I remove ear wax at home? 

A. While over-the-counter drops can soften wax, it's best to consult professionals for safe removal. Avoid using cotton buds, as they can push wax deeper or cause injury. 

9. What methods do you use for ear wax removal? 

A. Andy employs safe and effective methods such as microsuction, irrigation, or manual removal using specialised instruments. The method chosen depends on the individual's needs and the amount of ear wax. Please don't hesitate to click on the ear wax removal section to understand the types of removal available.

10. Is microsuction safe? 

A. Yes, microsuction is a safe and well-established method for ear wax removal. It involves using a gentle suction device to remove wax without introducing water into the ear. 

11. How long does an ear wax removal procedure take? 

A. The procedure typically takes around 15 to 30 minutes. However, the duration may vary based on the amount and type of wax present. 

12. How do I prepare for an ear wax removal appointment? 

A. Please apply Earol for 5 days prior to your appointment, this will help soften the wax making the removal process easier, helping release the wax from the skin.